Employment record card

The Labor and Social Security Portfolio (CTPS) is the document which records your jobs in Brazil, gathers information that guarantee worker’s rights, such as retirement, unemployment insurance and Guarantee Fund for Employees (FGTS). Besides the record, the booklet must also show salary changes, holidays and eventual furlough.

The Working Papers are a right of all citizens in Brazil and can be taken for free by anyone older than 14 years old. When the portfolio is issued, the Labor Ministry registers the employee in PIS / PASEP programs. This registration number is important for the employee to consult and cash out social benefits when allowed as PIS, FGTS, the unemployment insurance and the Salary Bonus.

First Step

Second Step

  • Two (02) 3×4 photos with white background.
  • Visa or CIE/RNE
  • CPF 
  • Residence proof

  • Go personally with the documents in hands, to the head offices of the Labor and Employment Regional Superintendence.
  • More informations, visit the website.
  • The portfolio validity period is linked to the length of authorized permanence in Brazil.

Download:Guid work for Haitians in Brazil (in Portuguese)

Download: Information about job for immigrant and refugee. IMDH (in creole and portuguese). 2015